I'm sure your business caused some sleepless nights. And considering that more than 2,100 business owners exit their companies every day, you can assume many share this level of insomnia. If you’re concerned about monetizing years of hard work and sacrifice at some point in your future, I may be able to help you sleep more soundly. Run Time :64
I'll Do Retirement Planning Tomorrow
This two minute video has Daddy's Little Girl returning from a business lunch with a new attitude and some important questions.
Why Estate Planning is Critical
It seems that stories like the one you're about to see happen all too often. An owner invests so much time and energy building a company and never takes the time to work on the business itself. When you have two and half minutes, see if this story sounds familiar.
Disability Only Happens to Other People
Albert Einstein once said, "One need only think of the weather, in which case the prediction even for a few days ahead is impossible." And the lesson is, prepare for what you can't predict. I wonder if the business owner in this vignette thought he had all of his contingencies covered. Ninety seconds of your time, please.
How Important is a Buy Sell Agreement?
Even the most amicable and trusting business relationships experience discord when differences of opinion regarding money surface. Take 90 seconds to watch this meeting between a business owner and his partner's spouse. There are quite a few lessons to be learned.
Yes, Exit Planning Requires a Plan
Think about this for a moment...is your business a lifestyle generator or a retirement vehicle? It's not a question that requires an immediate answer, but it is one that you need to consider carefully, because your answer will have serious ramifications down the line - if the day comes for you to transition out of the business. In 105 seconds, here's one version of that conversation.